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Friday, January 6, 2012

Flat Earthers

Like it, or like it not, we live in an age where people expect to be able to contact accommodation providers immediately. Failing to answer the telephone or reply promptly to an email will in most cases see the potential guest moving on to the next listing on the Accommodation Directory Site.

Of course, there is nothing practical to be done about the “flat earthers1 (those who honestly think that the whole world operates in their time zone)

I’m sure many have experienced this. You get up at 6am to check overnight emails before starting early breakfast only to discover that a “flat earther” has emailed at 1am your time enquiring about availability on a certain day and then emails again at 5am to complain that you haven’t got back to them with the pertinent information.

Unless you are willing to stay up all night responding to emails and answering the telephone (or paying someone else to do it on your behalf) there is little to be done about “flat earthers

In my experience if a “flat earther” does eventually book they are often more trouble than they are worth . . . generally over demanding and often unreasonable (booking a 2 star accommodation, paying a 2 star rate BUT expecting a 5 star service).

Don’t lose any sleep over emails and calls that are missed when you are otherwise engaged (i.e sleeping) Also worth bearing in mind is that unless your competitors are burning the midnight oil you have just as much chance of securing the booking as anyone else (unless of course the potential guest decides to change travel plans and books a hotel in their own time zone)

Nor am I suggesting that you should be available every waking moment to answer phone calls and respond to incoming emails. Self-employed hoteliers and B&B owners often work long hours per day seven days a week. Everyone needs some time out enjoying time with family and friends or simply relaxing in the garden.

At Norlaggan we have a strict policy of taking 2 hours each day for ourselves (after the rooms have been changed and other jobs completed but before the first check-ins)

When to be available to answer the telephone and to respond to emails is a matter of personal preference but before setting up call forwarding and/or email forwarding it may be worth giving some consideration to when you WON’T be available!!

1. The Flat Earth Society actually exists – for an interesting article by David Adam of The Guardian see